Nature 宣讲会:Nature, Open Access and You/by 《Nature》执行主编Nick Campbell, 《Nature Communications》执行主编Ed Gerstner
发布时间:2014-06-20  浏览次数:152
Seminar title:  Nature, Open Access and You
Summary:  A guide for researchers for getting their research published and noticed. Includes how to get published in Nature and other top-tier journals, an introduction to open access, a summary of the open access options that Nature Publishing Group offers and the factors researchers should consider when selecting a journal to which to submit their paper.
主讲人《自然》执行主编Nick Campbell

            《自然通讯》执行主编Ed Gerstner 





About Ed Gerstner / 印格致

Ed has been an editor with Nature Publishing Group for well over a decade, and is a passionate advocate for science and for open research. He obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Sydney in 1997, and spent five years in research at the Universities of Sydney, Cambridge and Surrey, and at Philips Research Laboratories, Redhill. He joined NPG in 2002 and has been an Associate Editor for Nature and Nature Materials, helped to launch Nature Physics as its Senior Editor, and is now responsible for forging closer links with the Chinese research community as the Executive Editor of Nature Communications. He is based in NPG's recently launched mainland China office in Shanghai.


Summary paragraph on Dr Nick Campbell (Executive Editor, Nature; Greater China Head of Nature Publishing Group)


Nick Campbell is Executive Editor of Nature and leads Nature Publishing Group (NPG) in China. Nick joined NPG in 2001 and has variously worked as an editor on Nature Reviews Genetics, Executive Editor of a suite of genetics journals, and leader of NPG’s Asia-Pacific partner publishing program. As the Managing Editor of Nature, Nick led a major digital and print relaunch. Nick took on his present role in September 2012. Nick’s first degree, PhD and postdoctoral research were in genetics.