发布时间:2017-07-23  浏览次数:724


Rainer Weiss,麻省理工学院教授。Weiss教授发明的激光干涉引力波探测器,是LIGO装置的基础。他首次分析了探测器主要的噪声来源,并领导了LIGO仪器科学的研究,最终使LIGO达到了足够的灵敏度,在人类历史上第一次探测到了引力波。

Kip Stephen Thorne,加州理工学院教授。Thorne教授奠定了引力波探测的理论基础,他开创了引力波波形计算以及数据分析的研究方向,并对LIGO仪器科学做出了重要贡献,特别是提出了量子计量学理论的一系列基本概念。

Barry Clark Barish, 加州理工学院教授。Barish教授领导了LIGO建设及初期运行,建立了LIGO国际科学合作,他把LIGO从几个研究小组从事的小科学成功地转化成了涉及众多成员并且依赖大规模设备的大科学,最终使引力波探测成为可能。





2017 Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award Announcement

Following the Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award Guidance and Instructions, the Executive Council of Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award has approved to present the award to three laureates after strict procedures of nomination and selection. They are

Professor Rainer Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for his seminal invention of the laser interferometer gravitational-wave detector that became the foundation for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), for the initial analysis of the detector’s major noise sources, and for his subsequent leadership in LIGO’s instrumentation science research, which made the detectors sensitive enough to detect gravitational waves for the first time in human history.

Professor Kip Stephen Thorne, California Institute of Technology, for having the vision to build the scientific case for LIGO, for creating research programs that modeled gravitational waves emitted by astrophysical processes and developed data analysis methods, and for his contribution to LIGO instrumentation science, in particular the formulation of fundamental concepts in the theory of quantum metrology.

Professor Barry Clark Barish, California Institute of Technology, former director of the LIGO project, for his leadership in the construction and initial operations of LIGO, the creation of the international LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and for the successful conversion of LIGO from small science executed by a few research groups into big science that involved large collaborations and major infrastructures, which eventually enabled gravitational-wave detection.

The ceremony of 2017 Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award will be hold on December 17, 2017, Shanghai, China. The Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award was jointly founded by Fudan University and Zhongzhi Enterprise Group in 2015 in recognition of the global scientists who have made fundamental and distinguished achievements in the fields of Biomedicine, Physics and Mathematics. The 2017 Award is the second award which shall be awarded to scientists in the field of Physics. Each laureate shall receive a certificate of merit, trophy, and shares a monetary award of 3 million RMB donated by Zhongzhi Enterprise Group.

If you have any questions, please contact fdsif@fudan.edu.cn before Aug 6, 2017.

The Executive Council of Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award
July 23, 2017